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Playing Soccer

kickoff meeting

June 23, 2021 or June 24, 2021

We plan two 45-minute meeting options which you can join, please sign-up for the time which fits your schedule best.

June 23, 2021: 7.30 am UTC

0.30 am Irvine

2.30 am Minnesota

3.30 am Charleston

8.30 am in Great Britain

9.30 am in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy

10.30 am in Israel

5.30 pm Sydney, Australia

Link to 23.6.2021 Meeting:

Topic: Acute Optic Neuritis Kickoff Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 775 0058 2061
Passcode: pRMc82

June 24, 2021: 6.30 pm UTC

11.30 pm Irvine

1.30 pm Minnesota

2.30 pm Charleston

7.30 pm in Great Britain

8.30 pm in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy

9.30 pm in Israel

4.30 am (June 25, 2021) Sydney, Australia

Link to 24.6.2021 Meeting:

Hadas Kalish is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Acute Optic Neuritis Study Kickoff Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 719 4040 1716
Passcode: HfuS6i

Plan overview for Kickoff Meeting AON

·       Short project summary

·       Ethical regulations 

·       Redcap database management 

·       Redcap presentation

·       Data and material transer agreements

·       Questionnaires on paper (can be provided in English)

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